Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Love Story

Did you ever have a moment in your life when you just know it has somehow changed you? I had one today. I photographed a cancer survivor and her husband. The love between these two was so amazing...they truly adore each other and take time to show it and to enjoy the little things. They stopped at a food store on the way here and giggled about the cream stick they ate on the made them late to my studio, but I didn't care! I was enjoying the fact that they had let their little secret slip out to me and that they had found such delight in a cream stick! Sorry P & S that I just shared your secret to the world LOL.

Life is is short. Don't forget that! Don't forget to take time to enjoy the small things in life....even an occasional cream stick.

I have many images to show so bear with me and I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. And, isn't she gorgeous?! I love how she just glowed and held her head high as if she were about to conquer the world...I think she just might.

Daddy's Little Boy

Little D takes great delight in everything his daddy does. He would only sit still when his dad showed him a neat coin trick...then he tried it himself. Too cute!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Another great family...

This whole family is just gorgeous. And, bless the mom for coming to view proofs on a Sunday couldn't have been a more crazy night with kids, phone, dog, doorbell, etc...she tuned it all out. I was trying to squeeze everyone in for their holiday portraits so I appreciated that...she even went home with some tomatoes for dinner lol.

Smiley Baby

Baby J is so laid back and happy. I always enjoy seeing this is very fun and so laid back as's easy to see where J gets it from lol.

My own kiddos

It's not so easy photographing my own children....These were the best out of MANY shots. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Sweet, new life...

Baby R came in for Christmas portraits with his 2 older brothers. They were all so cute and took it all in stride! She looks so peaceful and in love with her new beautiful.

OK, out!

These boys are just the cutest, sweetest boys! I truly have a blast when they come in here. They are so polite, respectful and fun to talk with. They even told their mom they had FUN being photographed!

Curly Q

Seriously, how cute is little Z? At first I thought he was shy! He proved me wrong. Haha. He had so much energy and fire during our session...what fun! He has awesome parents so it's easy to see why he's such a great kid.