Monday, September 29, 2008

Holiday Cards!

There are still a few spots left for the September Special. For the rest of this month I am offering the following: A 15 minute photo session, 25 holiday cards and 1 set of wallets for $135!!! The holiday cards are either 5x5 or 5x7 and are a standard gloss, flat card. As a bonus, I will include the art paper (linen or watercolor) if you prefer that over the standard gloss paper! AND......I am extending this offer until October 5 since I will be out of town for 6 days this month.

If you prefer to have a regular portrait session, I am offering a set of FREE holiday cards if you schedule your holiday session by October 15. You know this time of the year is always so crazy for me and Sundays fill up first so if you need a weekend, call me now.

Appointments are limited so call quickly to schedule your session. I can't wait to show you all the new, awesome cards I have for you!

Sunday, September 28, 2008


I just spent the most amazing week in Florida! The weather was HOT and the learning was fabulous. We never stopped. Our days typically ended around midnight. I think we were all moving purely on adrenaline!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Photo Competition

I had a long week in Florida at a workshop and it was awesome! I'm glad to be home and out of the heat, but I learned SO much. I will post some photos and blog some more about it tomorrow, but I really need to relax a little and get some sleep since sleep was quite rare all week. I'm still waiting for my suitcase to show up so I can't sleep just yet lol.

At the end of the week we had a wonderful banquet with awesome food and a photo competition. Everyone was invited to submit a photo for their peers, judges and instructors to vote on. There were about 40-50 entries and 22 prizes given. I placed 7th!! I was thrilled! I wanted to share my images before I went to sleep tonight - which will be in another 2 hours since the delivery service just called me about my bag. :-)

Isn't my little model gorgeous?! Her mom was thrilled to receive this portrait of her baby girl and even had the Canon reps print it for her as a gift!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sweet little girl...

This little sweetie kept me moving! I'm usually faster than my models, but she might have been a little quicker than me, but I still think I managed to get some really cute images of her. She is just SO adorable!

Hurricane Damage

Someone just sent me a link to photos of the hurricane damage in Texas. It's just terrible and I felt compelled to share it with everyone.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A newborn needed...

I really just need one specific shot with a newborn not older than a week or two. Usually I'm crazy with newborns here except when I really need one LOL. If you know of anyone having a baby within the next few weeks, please let me know. Call me now even if your baby hasn't been born so you can get a free session - otherwise someone else will call before you. :-)

I will be out of the studio from September 21 - 28 so it could be a few days before I return your call.

Enjoy the beautiful autumn weather we are having!

My cousin's wedding

I remember the day Julie was born and now she is a married woman! I was not the photographer and didn't bring much gear, nor was I ever close enough for good light, but I had so much taking photos of all the kids in my family. Those photos aren't posted here because I'm not sure if the parents wanted them on my blog.

Notice my "little boy" in the singles line for the garter! That was freaking me out a little....and watching him dance with the women in our family.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A fun family

Here are 3 of my favorite models. They are fun to work with since I know them so well. Of course B just LOVES getting his portrait made (note the sarcasm here), but I enjoy a little teasing to make him smile naturally. I love that he just puts up with it. :-) The girls do their thing so easily and naturally. You're in trouble, mom!

Friday, September 12, 2008

My new addiction....

Facebook! I have found so many old friends on there and it's been a lot of fun. If you have an account, look me up and add me!

Stay dry today - it's been raining all morning.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I love this family....

I'm always so excited when this family comes in for their portraits. Their boys are just the cutest, sweetest boys and they are always so much fun! OK, little R might not have been quite as fun this day, but he's just so stinkin' cute!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

September Special!

I am so excited to announce my September Special. For the rest of this month I am offering the following: A 15 minute photo session, 25 holiday cards and 1 set of wallets for $135!!! The holiday cards are either 5x5 or 5x7 and are a standard gloss, flat card. As a bonus, I will include the art paper (linen or watercolor) if you prefer that over the standard gloss paper! AND......I am extending this offer until October 5 since I will be out of town for 6 days this month.

If you prefer to have a regular portrait session, I am offering a set of FREE holiday cards if you schedule your holiday session by October 15. You know this time of the year is always so crazy for me and Sundays fill up first so if you need a weekend, call me now.

Appointments are limited so call quickly to schedule your session. I can't wait to show you all the new, awesome cards I have for you!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Why Does Custom Photography Cost More?

A friend just sent me this article about custom photography. This article says it way better than I ever could. I work hard to make sure you love our precious portraits. I want you to treasure these heirlooms forever. Here is the article written by Marianne Drenthe. Thank you, Marianne!

Digital technology is brilliant. The digital revolution has brought amazing flexibility and amazing amounts of control for the photographer, the hobbyist, the professional, the amateur. With flexibility comes a price though. Camera equipment is still considerably more expensive when you factor in its’ lifespan, the need for additional resources for processing those images, the time it takes to get a usable image and the effort that goes into all of this.

Even though you pay $1.99 for a print at your local drugstore and paying for film is pretty much a thing of the past (although you still pay for memory) you may be wondering why you may pay upwards of $40, 50, 70, 90 for a custom photography print. Some photographers hear this statement every once in awhile:

"How in the world can you charge $60 for an 8×10 if it costs me less than $2 to print at the local drug store?"

The answer is multifaceted and has a lot to do with the time, aforementioned equipment costs, artistic vision and reputation of the photographer, expertise and the usual costs of running a legitimate business.


Approaching it from a time standpoint, for instance let’s imagine if you will that you have hired a photographer who has work that you love and that is travelling an hour to your on location session. TIme break down:

  • session prep time (30 mins - 1 hour, includes equipment and back up equipment checks + vehicle checks)
  • one hour travel time TO session
  • 15-30 minutes prep time at client’s home
  • 90 minutes-2 hours with client photographing subject
  • one hour travel time FROM session
  • 30-45 minutes uploading time from digital cards from camera to computer
  • 30-45 minutes time spent backing up the original images
  • 2-5 hours editing time to present you with a diverse gallery of edited images
  • 1 hour prep time getting ready for ordering
  • 2-3 hours time with client for ordering images
  • 1 hour sorting through and checking order
  • 30 minutes-1 hour prep time for delivery
  • 30 minutes-1 hour getting order shipped
  • any additional phone time or time needed for add on ordering, shipment issues, quality issues

As you can see, average client time for a session ranges from just under 13 hours to 19 hours dependent on the photographer’s level of service. This is time dedicated only to your session. When the photographer charges $150-$300 for the photo shoot you are not just paying for the two hours of session time, you are paying the photographer for 12-19 hours complete time for your session.


Regarding equipment costs, a good quality professional camera with a selection of good optical quality lenses and digital storage mediums and computer set up can run from $10,000-$30,000 costs dependent on the photographer. Even though you can purchase a really good quality digital SLR for about $2100 there are still other costs related to photography. A good lens for portrait photography can run up $900 to $2500. A dependable computer system with software loaded for business and creative usage can run $2500 to $8000 dependent on the photographer.

Then come lab costs for specialty products. A good photographer knows the lab is integral to their success. Photography labs dedicated to the professional photographer often cost more and offer a range of products that allows the custom photographer to continually offer new, innovative products for you, the discerning client.

Discussion other costs of running a photography business could take awhile so we’ll skip the intricate details. There is of course much more: including costs of running the business, taxes, studio rental/mortgage if the photographer has ownership of a dedicated studio, vehicular costs, costs of advertising/marketing, costs of sample pieces that the photographer will likely bring to your session, etc.


Often times clients will mention to their photographer that X studio in the mall/department store only charges $25 for an 8×10 or they may mention other things related to discount photography chains. The fact is those discount chains make their money on volume, not on customized 1:1 service. According to several articles at the time, did you know that in February 2007 a rather well known discount department store that started in Arkansas closed down 500 of their portrait studios across the nation? The reason is simple, you cannot make money on 99¢ "professional" prints if you do not sell enough of them. Interestingly enough - those same studios that offer the loss leader packages often charge much much more for their a la carte pricing (as high as $40-50 for an 8×10). The whole reason the big department stores began offering portrait studios in the first place was to get you, the savvy consumer, in through their door so that you could spend more money with them in other departments. Your "PORTRAITS" are considered the true "loss leader".

Going to a chain studio, as a consumer, you don’t have the benefit of 1:1 attention for 2 hours at your home where your child is allowed to explore, play and be comfortable in their home environment, nor do you get the experience that many custom photographers are known for or the lovely captures of natural expressions. You simply get a bare bones, "SAY CHEESE" experience. Keep this in mind when selecting a photographer.


Being in demand, being well known for quality work, having a good reputation often costs time on the photographer’s part. Their expertise comes at a cost, their time learning their craft and learning the intricacies of lighting and the commitment put forth on their end to create a persona about their business that oozes professionalism. A great number of photographers go a very long time from the time that they purchase their first good camera to making money at the business of photography. Many photographers, when first starting out, rush in thinking that the business will be easily profitable in no time, how expensive could it be to get a camera and use it to create their dream? They often neglect to factor in the cost of business, the cost of equipment, software, back ups, etc..

Being of sound reputation, a better professional photographer knows that they must always reinvest in their business to create the reputation of being top notch. To create good work good equipment, reliable equipment, back up equipment is a necessity. The photographer who desires to be known as better/best/unparalelled reputation-wise knows that the most important thing they can do for their business is reliability and dependability. This is how reputations get built. Good work often is a wonderful side product of building that good reputation.

I hope this (lengthy) article helps shed some light on WHY a custom photographer is a better choice for your family’s memories. The photographs that are produced as a result of the professionalism and dedication that your photographer has will be cherished for a lifetime (or more) and great thought and consideration should be placed into hiring who is right for your family’s most precious investment.

content is inspired by discussions with other photographers, my own personal experiences as well as a well an outline based on an article by San Diego Photographers Caught On Film Photography

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The importance of a photograph

This past weekend I made a trip up to Michigan to see family. The whole weekend felt different to me than the other trips I've made over the years. Mark and I drove around Trenton where my mom grew up and where my grandparents lived. We drove past my grandma's house - about three times lol. I kept asking him to drive past again and he patiently obliged. We drove downtown where my grandmother used to walk and do errands and where my dad used to take us kids to the magazine store. The store is gone and is now a daycare, but you can see right where the store used to be. We drove over the big bridge that always told us kids we were nearly to grandma's house. It was all such a comforting and somewhat sad feeling.

I spent a lovely day with my aunt - something we rarely get to do since we both have children. She showed me a slideshow she made for my great aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary. I was determined to be strong and not cry. I knew it would exhaust me if I showed too much emotion. Then this photo came across my computer screen. I cried. I held it in. A little, but it just really got to me. This one little image means the world to me. My grandfather adored me and this photo really shows me that. I love how I'm looking up at him and he is probably telling me something about his garden. This was the summer of 1973...I was nearly four. He died the following April. I have a few memories of him, but I have many precious photos of us together. He didn't smile in many photographs, but he sure smiled at ME in the ones of us together.

So, I just wanted to share my "moment" with you.