Madison was in a play this month and was just so cute! The director was amazing with all the kids and even had TWO casts doing the same play so every child could act. I took photos of both casts and have over 800 images to sort through. I'm almost done if you're waiting for your images!
OK, I've decided (again) that I really could use some help. This time I mean it LOL. It'll probably start off just being a few hours a week and duties will include pretty much anything I need done. So, I really need more of a personal assistant. If you know of anybody, please send them my way! It needs to be someone I know or a friend of a friend kind of deal. I know of two other people looking for help too, but they are different kind of jobs. Email me!
I am writing this at 12:15 am so clearly I need help. :)
She likes when I call her four eyes so it's OK lol. Madison was so excited to get glasses...she was the only one of my children who needed them. Shelby's eyes are 20/15! I am jealous because mine eyes are 20/400 so I'm pretty much blind. Clay's eyes are almost perfect as well, but he is red/green deficient. It was kind of funny to watch him trying to read the numbers on the colorblind test. Shelby has a muscle problem with her eyes that makes it difficult to focus so she will have some therapy done after school starts.
So, here are some images of Madison in her new glasses. She picked them out all on her own - the rims are blue and the sides are floral. I thought she'd go a little more funky, but these are just adorable on her!
She has been going to vacation bible school all week and has had a blast. Here she is with her little friend, O. The last photo was crazy hair day lol. The T-shirt is what all the kids wore for the week.
See her reading her little bible? That day she decided to become a Christian and she was soooo excited. She came home and read over 50 pages of the bible and asked a million questions. I just love her!
On June 16 and 17 I am offering a 20 minute Dad & me session for $42 - MORE than half off the regular session fee! Included in this session is a free accordion book! It is really cute and you will just love it.
My "little" boy graduated 8th grade last week. He will be a freshman next year - I just can't believe it! Here are some snapshots of the graduation - he wouldn't look at the camera so I got lucky to get just one of him haha.
I thought I had added these already, but realized I had forgotten. Sorry, T! I just love the last two images - Miss L really didn't want to sleep so this was pretty awesome! I also love the fact that L was born at home! Very cool.
So, my 14 year old son thinks he has more friends than me. He's crazy for thinking that, of course, but it sure would help if you all would leave me some blog comments! I get tons of hits on my blog, but you aren't leaving me any love. :-) I'm going to hold a comment contest soon for incentive!
Miss A wasn't so happy last time so we tried again and she did perfect! Isn't she a doll? When they are this cute and sweet it almost makes me want another. *Almost* I think I just heard Mark cringe. haha
Miss C is such a doll! Just look at those cheeks! Mom and dad don't even seem phased by the chaos of three little girls. They are laughing at that comment right now, I just know it. :-)