Friday, October 31, 2008

Remembering Tyler

Many people have asked me about Tyler so I wanted to post this update letting you know that Tyler entered into Heaven last night. You can read about Tyler on his website that his mother updates. Tyler's Website.

No parent should ever have to endure the pain of losing such a small child. Tyler's parents are passionate about creating more awareness about childhood cancer so please check out his website.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More of Little J

I thought I'd post a few more to tide mom over a little before she comes to see the rest. :-) Isn't he adorable?! Of these 3, I can't decide on my favorite...maybe J with's clear she loves him so much and that he just adores his mommy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tyler's Lemonade Stand

You probably remember Tyler. He is losing his battle to brain cancer and is now on hospice care. My friend, Alanna, is making it her passion to raise money for awareness and research. It's so sad to see such a little boy, or any child, fight cancer.

Last Saturday I attended a fundraiser at Seeker's for Tyler and it was so inspirational! This awesome band: U41 was there and they were so fun!

If you feel called to donate to such an important charity, please click this link: Tyler's Lemonade Stand

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

I was tagged by my friend, Matt. I have no idea how long ago, but happened to discover it the other day on his blog.

SO, here are the rules;

1. Link to the person who tagged you Matt Lydy
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write six random thoughts about yourself
4. Tag six or so people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted

Random Thoughts About Me:

1. I am passionate about a lot of things and will stand up for what I believe in.
2. I collect Pez dispensers. Don't throw them away - send them my way lol.
3. My last baby was born at home. On purpose.
4. I love genealogy and have researched all the surnames in my family from Italy, Germany, Sweden and England.
5. Music is a huge part of my life. I listen to it as I edit and love all kinds.
6. I try to be healthy in all areas of my life & love natural stuff.

Mike Fulton

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beautiful family

I love this family. Jen is just one of those people you can't help but like right away when you meet her. She made me feel like we were old friends during our first conversation! This day I had the pleasure of photographing her sweet family. It's so obvious J's parents adore him and they adore each other.

Check out Jen's blog:


I have known Chad since the day he was born! I am proud to say he is just one of the nicest guys...and just so handsome! Chad was so easy to photograph and it was fun because his parents came along to watch. We had lots of laughs...and ice cream. haha.

Chad, I can't wait for you to see the rest of your images - I have lots!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Emily, part 2

Emily's mom had the great idea of having Emily photographed with her dad's car. Jim's brother graciously agreed to bring the car out for us to use. When he tried to move it to a better spot the car wouldn't start! Finally after many attempts the engine started up...that old familiar sound made my eyes sting with tears. I had to quickly choke them back so I could get to work. Jim loved that car, but loved his girls even more so I think everyone's efforts were so worth it!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Emily was a dream to work. She is gorgeous and so full of personality. I truly adore this girl...I am so proud of the person she is - sorry Em if that sounds corny to you lol. You see, her dad was one of my best friends and he passed away nearly 3 years ago so I love this girl like my own and truly want the best for her!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Little Angel

Miss O came in last week to see me and I captured this. I think she is just an amazing looking little girl and is an absolute sweetheart. Her mom hasn't seen it yet and I hope she loves it as much as I do! Honestly, I can't stop looking at her lol. I'll post more later, but I was so excited to share my favorite image from her session.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

More scenes from NYC

I have been just swamped since our trip to NYC and this is the first chance I've had to show more photos of NYC.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sweet little pumpkin

It wasn't easy to get this little pumpkin (OK, I couldn't resist lol) to sleep. She wanted to wake up every time we moved her, but I think the results were worth the effort! Isn't she gorgeous?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Brooklyn Bridge in NYC

Yesterday we had the fun opportunity of walking ON the Brooklyn Bridge! It really was a cool experience. The weather was perfect and the scenery was amazing. I'm just quickly putting some images on here for you to see. My cousin, Heather, came with us and was the best tour guide! We also met my friends from New Zealand. She is in one of the images with her family behind her. I'll add more later. We visited many other places yesterday, but I only have time to post these before we head off for more today.