Little E was so alert and so aware of my camera. I was amazed at his eye contact. He is SO cute it almost makes me want another. Almost. haha. Mom is so sweet and adorable! You can see how in love she is with her baby in these images - especially that last one. I can't wait for you to see the rest, M! I had a hard time choosing a few to show you now. Happy Mother's Day!

He really was interested in the camera and photographer during the whole shoot. He just wouldn't look at me at all! The middle picture shows how contemplative but alert he is. He's been that way since day one. The pictures bring tears to my eyes! Thank you.
shut up! he is too stinkin' adorable. and all that hair, green with envy over here! lol
I just want to scrunch him up!
absolutely Love the last one.
He's just the most beautiful baby every ~ so photogenic and such a good boy! Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures -- Nanny YO
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